Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4th

Pretty cool picture taken from the freeway 5 in OC  Jan 5th ,  70f ( 23+) grapewines on the hill and snow on the mountain behind it and the beach 5 min away. Surreal 

Yesterday the weather was sunny and warm 75 ( 20+) and i was inside all day and was dealing with that Internet crap and of course today when I have the time to sit outside for a while and enjoying the weather its GLOOMY. So typical. For you who knows me, know how much i enjoy the sun. It just gives me so much energy. LOVE IT. 
The workout is going great I am now doing weight resistant training and cardio 3-5 times a week, it depends on my work schedule. My goal is to bulk up to 215 (100 kg) and loose 20 pounds of fat and replace it with muscles. The goal will be met before the summer. I am now 196-200 with to much fat. We are very spoiled with the gym we have here at the premises 300 sqft ( 270 kvm) state of the art and brand new with all I need including 3 plasmas , yoga and pilates rooms. 
Work is a little slow right now, but I am not complaining though. I can do more workout and working on my company presentation to potential clients.

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