Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 5th


They day started with alarm clock went of at 5.30 because Heather was catching a cab to the airport. She is going to Portland ,Oregon for work for 2 days. And of course the stupid taxi driver calling on Heathers cellphone 10 minutes before pick up at 6.00 and  waking me up again. Falling back to my dream and I am so tired. 10 min later he calls again!!!! Now i am ready to run down to the gate and strangle him, I hear My wife telling him that she will instead of busing him through the gate she is going to walk down to the cab. The thing is that Connor wakes up really easy in the mornings so we don't want him to wake up because that means at least today I have to go up with him. And 6 a clock in the morning is really early when u have the day of and I been up until 12 the day before. 7.30 my son waked up so that was not so bad. 
The Enclave where we live have an unbelievable maintenance staff , for an example the 19 grills that are placed out on the premises are maintained by one person !!!that's his job to make sure the grill looks like they look brand new everyday, totally sick but good for us. Yesterday I went into the leasing office and just mentioned that one of our electrical outlets wasn't working in our bedroom, she said that Manuel was gonna come over between 8-12 the next day which is today!!! sounds fine until you wake up at 7.30 and forget all about it and  have to take Connor to school before 8 and be back home for Manuel. I now know what the definition of stress looks like!!! me try to get Connor ready and taken to school in 27 min. All this before 8 a clock in the morning. PHHUUU!! At least I didn't need to work today!!! Right!
Came home and at this point I am not longer tired. making my traditional oatmeal dish with Swedish Lingon berries that i am buying at IKEA. Thank god for Ikea!! Have any body tried to eat oatmeal without Lingon berries its awful. No Manuel....? 2 hours later still no Manuel so i am phoning the front desk and ask them kindly if his is coming today and at the same time telling them that I am going down to the gym. So he have to call me before he feels like showing up ( they told me he was stuck in apartment #237 !!! 237 remember the movie the Shining with jack Nicholsson  that's the number where not everything went down so quiet)  and it will give me the shivers. I remember that number for the rest of my life, I will never live any where that has that number..Period I hate that move.. 
At 10 a clock my friend Paul Sapienza calls me and tells me hes coming down from LA to hang out with me. This day started stressful and continuing that way. Walking over to the Gym that is not more than 1000 ft from our apartment and on the way I am starting my IPHONE and pulling up the app Ibiza Sonica. This is a radio app from you guessed right Ibiza, slow house music perfect for cardio training at the gym. Entering the gym and inside is the OLD guy . 
The old guy that looks like an auswitch concentration camp survivor and I don't understand why he is even there he most be at least 70 years old and he looks like he is gonna die any second.  And I don't know CPR !!! Thank god I brought the Phone in case I need to call 911. Most people are working at 10 a clock in the morning so there is not many at the gym, at this time of the day which is awesome . You got pretty much the 3000 sq,ft gym for
yourself. So there I am doing cardio to warm up and my fricking Iphone stops. Great!!! and of course the old man is watching some totally boring thing on all 3 plasmas that are hanging inside the gym. So no music, and I just cant workout without music its just so boring. What saved me this time was that I remembered that each cardio machine has earphone outlet to the little tv that are attached to each machine. 20 min later the Auswitch guy leaves. Don't take me wrong he is friendly but I just don't get it. Why go to the gym at 70 when its clear he never gone before in his whole life, whats the point!!! He ones asked me how long time it would take him to be able to use the 20 pounds barbell ( he is at 5 pound now) and I was thinking he will die if he even touch the 10 Pounder. 1 hour later I am done and Paul just called and told me he will be there in 10 min so off rushing home to take a quick shower before he arrives. 1 minute after I jumped in the shower Manuel rings the door. Unbelievable!!!!  As if I was not stressed enough. Manuel chowed me 101 on how the wall switch that i always wondered why it was there when there is no outlet in the ceiling was for. To turn floor lamps on and of. This Is An American invention that does not make so much sense, it works but it its just weired. All right Paul arrives and we take of to my favorite Thai restaurant a few blocks away starving at this time. Order Curry fried rice with chicken meanwhile I am gulping down the salad and vegetarian spring roll that is served at our convenience together with my ice tee. I don't now if they fucked up our order or what the hell happened this is a lunch place so 10-15 min is normal to wait for your lunch. 2 ice tees later and 2 salads later the food comes in 40 min after our arrival. At this point I am almost blind of hunger and on top of that I asked them not to make my dish so strong . And its F----ing strong and hot at the same time. But when you are that hungry you don't care. Paul asked me afterwards if i did some sun tanning in the morning. No !! just hot food thanks!!
The rest of the 3 hours i had left to show him OC we spent at South Coast Plaza Mall , Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar and a tour of our complex Enclave. Must say that he was impressed of everything, that LA boy!!! Picked up Connor at 4 and went home and just entertained him for an hour and then back to his school for a parents awareness knight. They told me that Connor is advanced in his learning ability. Must have got that from his mom , its definitely not from me :-) i couldn't sit still in school for 1 minute so..... 
It was not exactly the planned quiet day at the pool that i had planned the day before, but what does it matter when the weekend is looking sunny as always with temperature around 65 f ( 19+ )  Good night!!

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